Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Crazy drivers?

A while ago the authorities in Lagos declared that any driver caught driving the wrong way on a divided expressway would be sent for a mental health examination. This violation is actually pretty common, since when one side is jammed up, the lure of the other side being empty is just too much to resist. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be working out all that well. At a recent news conference the State Commissioner of Transportation announced that:

"About 2,612 motorists were in 2008 sent to the Yaba Psychiatric Hospital by the Lagos State Government in 2008 for driving against traffic and related traffic offences."

Then later added:

"none of those tested showed any sign of mental illness other than that they were generally in a hurry to get to their destination."

Too bad, it seemed like they might have been onto something. If they had found a cause then we might have been able to cure bad driving.

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