Over here, you pay with cash. Anything with an account number, like a credit card or bank account can and will be quickly emptied. In the picture that's 500,000 Naira, about $3,000 at current rates. All in N1,000 notes, the largest available. Feels good to have a big wad of actual cash, but it gets to be pretty inconvenient. The stores that sell more expensive items are all equipped with currency counting machines. Me, I'm pretty happy with N1,000 in my pocket.
Stop Somalia pirates, how? Give them money. At least that's what one blogging idiot thinks. I'm sure a boatload of textbooks and school supplies will do the trick. Maybe with better arithmetic skills they can divide up their ransom loot more accurately. People please, remember what I said about using your brain? Fortunately that guy seems to spend most of his efforts keeping track of American Idol and other idiocies. Don't those Marines have something in their song about the shores of Tripoli? Maybe they'd like to add a line about the Somali coast.
Checkout the USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) , you can send the CO an email. Got to love a ship that has "organic minehunting capability". Maybe need to upgrade their "capture pirates in small boats capability".
Maintenance guy just came to tell me the roof over our balcony is gone. Only the frame remains, the plastic sheet is probably miles away. I hadn't even noticed, I hope some villager picks it up to add to the roof of his "informal house". I guess the wind really was pretty strong!
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