Sunday, January 1, 2012

I this really the way it is?

I was vaguely missing some this morning and it just occurred to me. Where's the Rose Parade? It's usually on a couple of TV channels, at least it seems like it but nothing this morning. In a bit of a panic, thought I might have missed it, I looked up the schedule. What a let down, this year's parade is on January 2nd. What's with that?

According to their web site. "The 123rd Rose Parade presented by Honda themed “Just Imagine...” will take place on Monday, January 2, 2012 at 8:00 a.m. (PST) featuring..." They claim that it's a tradition not to have the parade on Sunday. Like a tradition ever since the BCS football cartel has moved around the bowl games to different days to maximize the profit? And the game has to be on the same day as the parade right?

Maybe I'm still bitter from the time I was 10 years old, in Pasadena with reserved seats and I couldn't go to the the parade cause I had the measles. Watched it on TV up in the Hollywood hills at my Dad's friend's place. At least I didn't crash a bike and almost kill myself like my brother who was trying out the speed potential of the hill where we were staying. Kind of an eventful weekend, even leaving out the "cousin" cutting off the tip of her finger using a wood chisel to trim the ribbon on a package she was wrapping.

Does everything need to be "presented by" some corporation? I should have signed up a kid or two to be presented by Pampers! Hopefully could have saved some cash.

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