Thursday, July 30, 2009

Power Cut!

Right here in Walnut Creek, California. Kind of made me homesick, although only one appliance beeped when the power came back on. Kind of an anticlimax after getting used to a dozen or so different things announcing they were back on again.

It's now 30 days since I touched down in the good 'ol USA and I've roused myself to the point of looking through job listings. It's hard to tell if this will be easy or difficult. It certainly is hard to read some of the listings, things like: "Fluent in Klingon", "you must not be a dumb ass". I must admit to being less than interested in "dynamic, growing company in the social web space".

How about boring, solid company? Did you hear that Honda made a profit this quarter? Because they've always taken a measured approach to borrowing and expanding and concentrated on building decent cars perhaps? Maybe they have some openings.

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