Monday, May 28, 2012

The decline of the Internet

I've just been searching the internet for information regarding the source of bubbles coming into my pool from the filter return lines.  Not that it's a big deal, at least I don't think so but I wanted to see.  BTW, the pool is now up to 80F and just wonderful, shorty (grandson) won't let me go a day without a swim and I feel like the summer fitness program is well under way.  Great way to get a good night's sleep after a swim.

But anyway, back to the bubbles an internet search yields what seems like a lot of useful results.  But on closer inspection, they are a lot of duplicates and the sites are simply aggregators.  I mean like:, Instructables, Wiki answers, Wikihow, Ehow,, and Yelp.  Ehow is my least favorite, the article is a bunch of generalities (did you know that air in the pipes can cause bubbles?) surrounded by ads and links to other marginally useful articles.  Although the link to a pool demolition company may be the ultimate solution.  (I did not appreciate the redirect through an ad site to get there.)

I thought our friends at google had made changes to lower the page rank or aggregators, at least there was some fuss about it a year or so ago.  But they seem to be going strong.  How about a search that then removes duplicate articles?  I'll take $10 Billion please.

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