Saturday, December 17, 2011

Silver Bells

Well, not really but a memorable Christmas memory anyway. Someone had dumped a bunch of popcorn, like a couple tubs worth, at the fare gates in the Bart station yesterday. Didn't slow us herd of commuters much but a different feeling underfoot. The poor guy with a broom looked pretty overwhelmed, the agent sat in her cube ignoring everything as usual.

The trouble with popcorn in this situation is that it gets more and more finely ground and harder to pick up. I can only wonder who had it and how it dropped? Reminds me of a memory from years ago, you remember bean bag chairs? On Locust street, in front of the plastics store I watched a guy try to shove a plastic bag of beans into the passenger seat of his small British sports convertible. MGB perhaps?

The bag broke and the beans filled up the cabin to the top of the doors. As it was starting to spill over and blow away I continued my stroll down the street.

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