Monday, December 12, 2011

PDT 11/150 and kids

Look at these cute kids, what's not to love. But this picture caught my eye for another reason. A couple vintage computer items that I've long lost. Picture circa 1987.

On the left, a H19 Heathkit terminal that I built from a kit. Next to that a VT100 with a modem on top, Racal? On the far right my beloved PDT 11/150. Two 8 inch floppy drives that made a horrible clatter in operation.

To complete the story, I paid $500 for the H19 kit, bought at the store on Middlefield Road in Menlo Park, CA. The Vt100 was a loaner from my then current employer, Relational Technology Inc, makers of Ingres. The PDT was free from my local DEC sales guy, but I paid another $500 for the UCSD P-system to run it.

For those of you who would like to grab this stuff, sorry too late. I sold it all for a couple years later for $40. The kids are all mine, no matter how grown up they are.

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