Sunday, March 13, 2011

What a dreary day.

I guess nothing too exciting is going to happen today, the weather is overcast with heavy rain predicted starting in the afternoon. I bought a couple books at a garage sale when I went out to look for the BART train that was reported derailed. I'm not even a lawyer but maybe thought to see some small local disaster.

My thoughts are on the Japanese earthquake/tsunami and the amazing images, particularly of the tongue of debris filled water rolling up the farmland.

I guess the latest bigger disaster always pushes a smaller (or maybe less telegenic) situation off the front page. But I am thinking about the civil war in the Ivory Coast that seems to be starting up. When the one side killed several women by shooting into a demonstration for peace, it's just really disturbing. The cynical side of me writes it off to just another bunch or black poor people dying in a disastrous continent that nobody cares about anyway.

But these are real people and they are really being killed.

My boss at work would never be able to pick out Cote d'Voire on a map or even guess any country on this continent. So many Americans are just so clueless.

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