Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Last night mailboxes all along our street were opened and contents removed (stolen).  I do live in a place that is rural enough to have mailboxes out at the end of the driveway next to the street.  When we moved here, the locals advised and we got a locking mailbox, matching too, didn't want to stir things up. 

So this morning as I drove along there were many boxes open and little piles of mail on the ground.  Very sad since it's been raining and the little lumps of wet mail were just there sitting.  Being a good citizen, I called the PD to let them know.  After a brief argument about the location of the city limits the dispatcher assured me that some officer type person would drive by and check out the situation.  Also, she assured me that "if it's not ours" (meaning outside of the city limits) then they will notify the appropriate authorities.  Well, thank goodness for that.  I didn't mention to her that in fact I see the Sheriff's patrolling a lot more than the city cops but just let that lay.

My locking mailbox still contained all the junk mail that I normally receive and thank goodness for that!  I wonder if those scratches near the lock mean anything?  It should mean that I pick up the mail everyday which is now difficult since the delivery guy/gal only puts is in the box after I've gone to bed, but anyway I'll do my best to avoid the pictures with the circles and arrows on the back and enjoy suburban life, ask Alice!  

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