Saturday, September 15, 2012

It kind of boils down to the fact that I had run out of Clipper cards.  They had changed the rules so that my current system of getting them free, loading $10.10 and using it for a day was not viable anymore.  Now they would cost $3 for an empty card so throwing them away was just not going to work.  It might seem kind of silly, but this situation caused me to focus my thinking on why was I going to work anyway?

So I quit.  I told the boss that I quit, took my last card and used it to get home.

I know that my employer pays Google to get an immediate update if I post anything.  It's a little known service that Google ("Don't be evil") offers.  I'm not using this post to communicate with them but it's a side effect that I can't avoid.

The situation that I found myself in was that I was required to train some offshore (India) staff to take over my job.  And when that was complete I would be fired.  This was the way I saw it anyway, it was never actually stated that way but I think it was pretty obvious.  Too bad American corporate managers can't be honest with their employees.  (but that's maybe another topic for later)

So I quit. 

New life ahead, no looking back, good luck to all of us.

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