Thursday, September 20, 2012

Categorize: USA going third world

Going down 680 yesterday about noon, I observed a pickup off the side of the road with a guy standing off to the side and urinating (with great ambition) off to the west.  Since the sun was reflecting through there and the man had stepped away from his truck, it was very obvious what was going on.  In fact, like a small boy, he seemed to be enjoying the arc that he was able to make.

I honked a couple times and he held up his arm with a fist and pumped it a couple times.

Huh?  He couldn't have been in a more obvious location despite there being a few trees around but I guess that held no interest for this man.

Is peeing along the road now acceptable?  In my previous African home it was completely normal, but here in Contra Costa county?  Huh?  I guess it's part of the slide towards the third world that I'm not really ready for. 

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