Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Looting the world

Last year's totals are in: 333 rhinos killed by poachers in South Africa. All for the horns to be sold to the "Asian" market.

Am I the only one who has noticed that "Asian" in this context is just a code word for Chinese? Like we are trying to not hurt their feelings? Let me tell you, this primitive civilization that claims to be so advanced has never gotten past the most simple beliefs of the proto humans. If the horn is so strong and comes from a huge beast, then it will give me strength for my "horn" if consumed. This is nothing more advanced than the most simplistic magical belief that an animal or plant with a desirable characteristic can give it to me if eaten.

This has got to stop. These "Asians" are destroying the world to satisfy their superstitions. These poachers are using helicopters and night vision equipment to swoop down and grab the horns before any local police can respond. They leave behind a bloody carcass, minus the magical horn. And make plenty of money doing it.

President Obama met today with the Chinese president but I doubt this topic was discussed. There are more immediate economic issues on the table. Like the huge U.S. trade deficit fueled by we'all buying plastic crap from the Asians.

May I suggest that we should refrain from making that trip to Walmart to save a couple bucks and speak out against the rape of the world's wildlife? Please, let's keep some of these magnificent beasts around and not in some quack doctor's display case.


Sarah Seewoester-Cain said...

Could not have said it better myself=)

Jojo Potato said...

Great to hear from you, Sarah. Hope you and that guy, Brian is it?, are well.

Erin said...

hey I am a student studying conservation and recently reach to rhino topic. Found your blog while searching information about rhinos. Just wanna make a quick clarification. China has banned the use of rhino horn in traditional medicine in 1993, resulting in huge decline of rhino horn import in China. The biggest rhino horn consumer is now Vietnam, since the wife of one government official claimed that rhino horn cured her cancer. I am not saying Chinese are responsible for the rhino poaching, just wanna share the things I've read. :)