Saturday, January 29, 2011


The TV is full of images from street demonstrations in Tunisia, Egypt and now Yemen. All are calling for the removal of the current dictator. These guys have all been around for 20 or 30 years. I've posted about this before, but to remind you... Dictators are not individuals, they have built their power by creating a structure around them of people that are benefiting and controlling people around them. It's a classic pyramid structure. Think multi level marketing.

That's what makes it hard for Americans to understand why they don't get over thrown sooner. Would you kick out your boss if he was providing a lucrative payroll by controlling you and allowing you to control the next level down? Probably not, and that's why it's only the people at the very lowest level that will protest. Everyone else is in on the game. And when the lowest level becomes big enough, meaning that all the middle/upper level positions are full, and nothing is left, then "Viva la revolution!".

Of course it's hard for the American President to stop supporting Mubarak after his sucking down billions of aid dollars but it will have to happen. Good lesson to Obama, how to cut loose a loser. That will be hard on such a pretend moral high grounder. But good for his training.

I was looking for the next group of 20+ year dictators and I'll see what I can find. I suppose those CIA guys have beat me to it, but they are not sharing the data.

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