Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I want to be somewhere else

Like Capri for example, I mean the real one, the island off the coast of Italy. Shear limestone cliffs, narrow winding paths between neat whitewashed houses. Glimpses of perfectly tended gardens and the blue Mediterranean sea beyond.

Boy, do I sound like a travel agent. I looked around for some pictures to post here, none of them do the place justice. So use your imagination. Feel the breeze on your face. Feel your legs tremble at the impossibly steep switchbacks leading down to a blue grotto. Try to get a waiters attention, but who's in a hurry anyway?

Sneak out at midnight for a walk and try not to get lost, the place is a maze. The local polizia can maybe help, they patrol on skinny electric carts that can fit on the paths.

I'd like to be there now. Gelato!

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