Friday, March 5, 2010

Grass Bombs

Here in northern California we are just about to reach the peak of the season. I mean the season for the local Grass Bomb. It takes our clay soil most of the winter for the water to soak into the root zone. The grass seeds that have waited all fall and winter are bursting out. The roots need to grow out enough to be able to grab a great ball of wet clay. The warming weather drives the grass to grow tall and strong. It's time.

Go up on a local hill, if the path is too wet and slippery, then go around the south side or higher up. Take a big handful of grass and pull. If it pulls out with no dirt attached, then you are in a too dry area, look around for more moisture. If it pulls out a big clump of dirt with your perfect grass handle, you've got it, the grass bomb. Throw it at somebody.

That's how I grew up. In fact one of your scout leaders took us out on the perfect day and we had a glorious fight. Usually we just did it amongst our kid crowd. If you are uphill from your opponents it's easy to sling massive bombs down onto their heads. From the downhill side, grab a bomb and run up as fast as you can and smack it down on that guy's head.

Better do it this weekend, things dry out really fast. Then the grass starts to brown and the stickers start to stick and well, it's summer before you even know it.

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