Sunday, August 12, 2012

Going camping

The younger generation are getting packed to go for camping at Huntington Lake.  A pretty high altitude reservoir in the Southern Sierra.  As the designated man, I am assigned to make sure the stove is in working order.  It really wasn't that great, being 50 years old or so but Coleman has been making the same model for longer than that and I was able to find out how to get it going.  Soaking the leather in the pump with oil and exercising it for a while and it's good to go.

When I opened the cover to check things out, I found my father had left a note on the handle that said "Take Fuel".  My daughter and I got a laugh out of that.  We can only guess at some trip where upon arriving at the campground there was no fuel.  She'll take the fuel this time.  Thanks, Dad.

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