Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My new Religion

In the news today is a pastor from Florida who has declared "Burn the Koran" day for next Saturday, which is also September 11th. That is supposed to be inflammatory towards Muslims and not in good taste PC wise. I don't think it's such a bad idea and I'll do it one better. I hereby declare "Burn Holy Books" day.

In all religions the original founder/prophet/messenger from God had his ideas taken over and warped and rewritten by the next generation or two of followers. I think they all get it wrong, their motivations have become contaminated by ego, power and wealth. To combat this problem, I think first of all we should demand that only teachings from the original prophet be allowed. And secondly we should keep the entire religious literature to one page.

For the Christians, let's keep it to the 10 commandments. For the Moslems, they have their equivalent. The Buddhists are pretty hard to pin down, let them come up with something. And same for the rest.

I realize this will put out of work thousands of scholars from so many religions but so be it. They would learn and teach a lot more useful information if they had to get a real job. Religion should be a part of life while being a member of society, not an ivory tower to escape into and hurl down pronouncements onto us poor mortals.

So gather up your books and come on down. We'll have a whole lot of fun.

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