Friday, January 23, 2009

News and weather

22 °C this morning, really cold. Humidity way down too, lots of folks wearing sweaters when I went out. Sky hazy brown from the dust, sun appeared quite orange coming up. As I've mentioned before, we're in the Harmattan. Oyibos like me really enjoying it, locals complaining and getting the sniffles. White caps in the lagoon, dust on the car.

Some TV stations out this morning, phone calls erratic. Local telecoms expert (the wife) tells me the dust interferes with microwave links. But then, don't telecom folks always have a ready excuse? And why is it channel 5 (SuperSport 3) never goes out, even in heavy rain? Does nature prefer to watch football more than the other shows?

I've always thought that one's culture has a large bearing on one's view of reality. Just to prove that other cultures are different, and not just in what kind of music they like, I give you this story. To a westerner it seems absurd, but stretch your mind a bit, suppose your reality did allow for magic, like a man turning into a goat. Would be a different world wouldn't it?

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